Friday critical thoughts

The more of these i write, the harder it is becoming to focus on pouring thoughts out (unedited) onto the page, it's not easy, i'm finding the flow of thought interrupted too frequently now compared to the first splurge of words on to paper back in early June. Perhaps this is due to re-reading what i've written, and seeing that things could have been worded differently, or maybe put across in a slightly more eloquent fashion; grammar mistakes are abundant , and my lack of capitalisation after a full stop is playing on my ocd. But, i'm not writing a book, these are raw thoughts put down in words, more for my own benefit than anyone else's; a means of getting in to a constructive habit each week that develops a skill i've sorely underused for many years, and, have always wanted to explore but never had the drive/idea/motivation to do so. If i'm being honest, having a following has given this purpose, for the few people that do read these words i am thankful, for without that, i imagine the desire to write each week would fade. I appreciate you reader, your time is precious, your want to come here and read my ramblings have honestly fuelled my writing fire, and for that, i thank you

Even starting this second paragraph i find myself pausing for too long, thinking to myself how i should start to make something more of this, do more prep, more planning, give more thought to what i write, maybe start to use some images or links or something more than just text. But no, this will break the mould, and it has to stay like this, clean, words only, thoughts in text, simple.

Someone shared a youtube clip on twitter this week (actually it was a while back but i only saw it this week) which i needed to see, and i thanked them for it. It was a short podcast that had the participants talking about books and reading. I love to read, no, that's a lie, i used to love to read and now i want to love to read again. At present i find reading a chore, and i want to change that, and that is exactly what was discussed in this clip. The person discussed how you have to cultivate a love of reading again, you have to go back to what you really enjoy reading to enjoy reading again, and then, after some time, you can progress to other books that at the moment you might find a challenge. The one line i remember vividly is that the person said you should be able to walk in to any library in the world and pick any book and read it, to not be scared by any book, and, to take away from the book what is true and to discard that what is false. Upon reflection, this is something i could not do right now but would love to get to at some point in the future. The final point i will take away from this clip was that the ability to learn is abundant, we have the worlds libraries at our fingertips through the Internet, but, the desire to learn is lacking. How beautifully put and how very accurate. My own desire to learn is lacking, i have a dream to read lots of books and enjoy reading them, but, that's all it is, a dream, i need to make it a reality. The desire to learn, to cultivate a desire to learn, and how to do that are my main focus at the moment, and that probably means going back to basics with books and reading what i enjoy to bring back the joy of reading.

Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I've almost finished this story. It is something i've wanted to read for years, and, is a very short read, so it was a perfect choice. Putting aside my current stack of books (yes, like many of us, i start a book and then move on to another without finishing it - guilty) this book could be the catalyst i needed, and, i find myself reaching for it more often than i did anything else. I'm not going to give a review of the book, all i will say is that every time i've seen the story reinvented in film in recent years, the portrayal of Mr Hyde (the 'monster') has been grossly overstated, whereas in fact, the book describes Mr Hyde as dwarf like, always wearing clothes too big for him, but, where his appearance differs greatly from more modern portrayals, the evil does not, and in fact, the book makes Mr Hyde an altogether more evil life force that puts instant fear and revulsion in anyone that comes in to contact with him. The split personality (clearly the underpin of the entire story) reminds me very much of twitter, and in particular crypto twitter; the bulk of accounts are anonymous, and i do wonder if we're all playing out some version of our very own Mr Hyde...

I can't seem to finish one of these Friday thoughts without mention of bitcoin, hopefully in time this will not be the case, but as it has consumed me for the last two years, it is obviously on my mind most of the time. The current price action is not something i've been trading for a while now, i lost enough profits trying to trade this chop that i've had to walk away (something i've not done before). Altcoins are giving those trading them decent gains, and looking through some of the charts on Binance, there is definitely a desire to hop on and start trading some of them, but, this is normally a sign to me that the run is coming to a close. I've found myself late to the party often with alts, and when i do finally start to try and trade them, the fun is over. My personal opinion on the current market conditions is that it feels like alts are being squeezed hard for every single sat of btc that they can be taken for whilst the price of btc is stalled around the 9k area, then once that's done, cash out alt gains to btc, then to dollars, then watch the whole thing nuke and reset itself. Knowing when that will happen is obviously something i do not know, and, who is to say it will even happen. For all i know, this is a pause before further upside to everything, but, i can't see it i'm afraid. Crypto feels like a massive pump and dump on a cycle, and this looks like the top of the current cycle to me; again, i could be wrong, no one knows what price will do, but that's what being a trader is all about, speculating, and, having the strength to put money down on your speculations.

this hasn't felt as punchy today, i don't think i've sworn once, and if you've got this far then i'll be impressed, because this was a slow struggle to write today, but, was a success in the sense that i've stuck with my goal of just writing, not editing, and not reviewing anything before uploading. I hope you have a good day, a good weekend, success in your trades with magic internet money, and, if i see you on ct, plenty of memes to throw at me.
