Friday thoughts on a Monday - June 29th, 2020

Friday came and went too quickly last week, and i missed writing up some random thoughts. Was going to try and put something down over the weekend, but every time i had a spare moment, i found myself picking up the ipad and checking twitter. so here we are, on a Monday, whilst trying to do some work, writing up Friday's thoughts

twitter addiction is real. I've found myself saying this often over the past week or so, be it in my head, or, in a reply to a tweet, there's no doubt this app can take up a disproportionate amount of your time (lots have agreed with me on this). And for what reason is the question i keep presenting to myself, even though i don't want to answer it, because i know deep down it is mainly for all the wrong reasons; escapism, boredom, the likes, the pure addiction of scrolling your feed. But ultimately all for what? I don't know is the honest answer, i don't think there is one, all i know is that i will most likely regret spending so much time on there in years to come when i look back. Hopefully this will drive me to reduce time spent there, to moderate myself, to task myself with other activities which will actually benefit me (either my physical health or mental health), and in time, perhaps, fade away completely

so, what can you do to drag yourself away from the depths of the dopamine fuelled pit of twitter memes, likes and retweets? well, i'm not sure i can answer that as everyone's situation is different, but, for me personally, i've taken a real interest in a few things lately that have given me focus outside of twitter. Cycling, this has to be by far the best thing i've picked up again lately, and i genuinely look forward to going out every day for a ride around the woods that are local to me. Even if i'm only out for 30 minutes, it's enough to break up the day, get some fresh air, focus on something other than work/trading/or social media, and is good for my health. If you can't cycle, then going out for a run is just as good, if you can't do that, then even a 30 minute walk can do a lot of good for your health (mental health as well as physical). To motivate this daily exercise routine i've bought something that i said i'd never ever get... an activity tracker! Yep, i'm now one of those people that have an electronic band strapped to my wrist monitoring my every move, what have i become!?! :s Jokes aside, i actually really like it, and i'm viewing it as a motivator to keep up with daily exercise. Funny really, as years ago i didn't need any motivation to do exercise, i used to be in the gym almost daily lifting weights and going for runs (was a proper gym freak, but not the roids type, just natural lifting/eating so never got really big), but then health issues hit and i was advised to avoid heavy lifting going forward... a tough pill to swallow for someone who was going to the gym daily for many years (since i was around 17), so i tried and tried to make it work, but slowly realised i was fighting a losing battle and had to put it behind me

it's harder than i thought to write out thoughts weekly, i guess sometimes there won't be any new thoughts, in which case i'll end up writing something similar to the week before, in which case, what's the point. reminds me of twitter at the moment, it's the same content being recycled over and over again, especially with bitcoin doing this disgusting dance between 8k and 10k for what feels like years now. even the charts shared on twitter are boring, it's the same old bullshit with every chart posted, like i just don't care anymore bro, good for you that you can analyse what price did over the last few weeks and knock up a pretty chart showing how it looked like you predicted exactly what price was going to do, seriously, zzzzzzzz just shut the fuck up or admit you don't have a fkn clue. I'd prefer to just see someone tweet a future date and a number, like 'next Wednesday 8th July i think bitcoin will be below 7.8k', like how refreshing would that be? but i know why people don't do it, either they've got a paid group to look out for and don't want to get called out for a being a shit trader (because if you run a paid group you need to give the impression that you're never wrong on any call), if you don't run a paid group but have a decent following then you'll just get a load of shit off trolls and other keyboard clowns who have nothing better to do with their time, and if you're non of those, then probably no one gives a fuck about your charts or price predictions anyway (sorry)

i don't know, twitter used to be so much fun, i used to have a real laugh on it, like actual laugh out loud laughing, now i mainly type 'lol' without even the slightest hint of a smile cracking on my face. don't get me wrong, i still enjoy it, of course i do, why the fuck would i be writing about it and logging in daily still if i didn't, but, because that time has passed i think that's what has got me questioning why we all do it. all i know is if i had financial freedom (like many accounts i follow do) i wouldn't have enough free time to even log into twitter to get depressed that it's no fun anymore, because i'd be too busy doing literally anything else. Like seriously, if i didn't have to work the 9-5, and i had enough money that meant i could literally do anything, i'd probably spend the first few months just reading. i'd get a load of books, the comfiest chair ever made, sit in it, and start reading. sure i'd still go outside and exercise, but, the freedom of not having to be anywhere or answer to anyone would mean i could just read until i was content i'd read enough. after reading, i'd probably jump on my motorbike and ride, and keep riding until i'd had enough of that as well, it wouldn't even have to be anywhere special, there's enough parts of the UK i haven't ridden to that i'd love to spend time in. i know something i'd definitely not do, and that's trade, fk me why would you go through the stress of trading if you didn't need to, probably because you're addicted to the rush of gambling (because that's what trading is, don't give a fuck who thinks otherwise). anyway, having said all of that, what do i know about what i'd do if i had the money, i'd probably still end up sitting on twitter all day, perhaps i'd spend even more time there, perhaps i'd end up dishing out bitcoin to people for doing stupid things, or, bragging about all the stuff i had to make myself feel good, to feel special, to feel......something.